Starting next week (4/03), students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades at Eagle Elementary will be participating in the state English language arts, math, and science achievement tests (NSCAS). Individual grade dates will be communicated by classroom teachers.
The tests will measure whether students are meeting the state standards in these areas. They will provide an indication of whether students are “on grade level” based on state expectations. In Grades 3-8 students take the ELA and math tests, and students in grades 5 and 8 take the science test. Individual student reports will be sent home to parents when the department of education releases the data. We will use the information to improve our instruction as a district and with your individual student.
There are several things parents can do to positively contribute to your child’s success! Encourage your child to put forth their best effort. A good night’s sleep and nutritious breakfast will go a long way to help your child best show what they know and are able to do on the test. A reminder that breakfast is available at school each day beginning at 7:50 am and the cost is $1.90/day. Finally, being in school during testing is very important. Please reschedule any appointments that may take your child out of school on the testing dates listed above.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the NSCAS testing. Please also contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions specific to your child’s classroom testing schedule or other test administration questions.