School District 145 utilizes the Google Apps for Education suite.
Classlink is our central location of the Digital Resources used by the district. Students sign into Classlink via their district email address and password. From there they will have access to the digital resources used by the district such as textbooks, library resources, powerschool, etc.
Parents of students in grades 3-12 are eligible to get a PowerSchool Parent Portal account to view their student's grades and attendance. Account information is sent home by your school each fall. Parent portal accounts are not offered to parents of students in grades K-2 because grades are standards based and recorded then reported on the student's report card.
In regards to a platform for student engagement where teachers can make announcements and collaborate. The district uses 2 different platforms. Students in grades K-2 utilize Seesaw. Students in grades 3-12 utilize Google Classroom.
Administration, teachers, and technology staff are able to view student Chromebook screens using classroom management software.
The district is 1-1 (one Chromebook per student). Chromebooks for students in grades K-5 remain in the classroom while secondary students have been granted the privilege to take their devices home. All student Chromebooks are content web filtered by the school district both on-site and off-site.