District Strategic Plan - Board Approved April 2020
Included in this goal would be vertically aligning curriculum, developing an assessment system that includes common assessments, proposing a staff development model that includes time, focus and structure for developing teacher practice and implementing a collaboration model to support professional learning communities, including a defined process and time to support collaboration.
Goal 2: By 2022 School District 145 will enact a comprehensive, multi-year Master Facilities Plan.
Included in this goal is creating a process for maintaining existing facilities, projecting how future student growth impacts our facilities, preparing facility plans based on enrollment and delivery of instruction, creating budgets and option timelines and communication of plans to the board of education and community.
Included in this goal would be to establish a multidisciplinary K-12 team to implement systems that support staff and students social, emotionally and behaviorally, integrating social emotional learning/social emotional wellness PK-12 instructional practices into classrooms, establish systems of support and partnerships for staff and students and develop a long term plan to ensure ongoing professional development in SEL and SEW/Mental health for all faculty and staff.
Goal 4: By 2023, School District 145 will implement a comprehensive technology plan.
Included in this goal would be to define the use of technology for classroom instruction, evaluate student data utilizing a comprehensive information system to support student learning, provide the necessary infrastructure, hardware and staff to continuously support technology in the district and utilizing technology for the safety and security of staff and students.
Goal 5: By May 2022, Implement a District 145 Instructional Model.
Included in this goal would be that District 145 would adopt an instructional model to define and describe expectations for classroom practice across the district, build the knowledge and understanding of the instructional model through ongoing professional development and leadership development and to integrate the instructional model into the evaluation and appraisal process
Goal 6: By 2022, District 145 will implement an inclusive communications plan.
Included in this goal would be to establish an effective communication plan with internal audiences to improve communication and engagement, establishing an effective communication plan with external audiences to develop and maintain positive, collaborative relationships and to utilize a variety of media to maximize awareness and support of the district's goals, objectives and programs.
District Strategic Plan - Board Approved March 2024
Goal 1: By 2028, at least 25% of all three and four year olds residing in District 145-Waverly will have access to a quality early childhood program provided by District 145.
Included in this goal would be to collect data on our 3 and 4 year olds in the district, outline what opportunities we can provide students, and coordinate the development of a district owned early childhood program with a building and facilities task force.
Goal 2: By 2026, School District 145 will have in place a written Human Resource document that outlines procedures for recruitment, development and retention of all employees.
Included in this goal would be to research other strategies districts have used, categorize the types of employees we have, identify the areas of high need in personnel and examine existing negotiated agreements to see if changes are needed.
Goal 3: By 2027, District 145 students will implement and sustain comprehensive programs and initiatives that equip students with the necessary skills, knowledge and experiences to thrive in post-secondary education and pursue successful careers.
Included in this goal would be to research effective college and career development programs in school districts, develop, implement and sustain quality CTE programs and create work based learning opportunities for our students.
Goal 4: By 2025-2026, School District 145 will enact a parent/community engagement plan.
Included in this goal would be to focus on partnering with parents on their views on effective communication, examining personnel needs to implement programs and examining current plans that districts have in place that effectively engage parents and community members.