Google Apps
Here is our list of approved D145 Google Chrome Extensions/Apps for Students. (Students are restricted to this allowed list.)
Support and Tutorials:
Google Apps Learning Center and Google for Education Training Center are good places to start.
BetterCloud's GOOGLE APPS FOR EVERYONE site has a ton of great resources, videos, tips & tricks.
Professional Development - Guide to going Google- resources. (From Google)
Links to Google help files for: (Great for all tools)
Note: School District 145 is supporting/deploying the following apps within the Google Apps for Education products:
Drive (Including Docs, Spreadsheets, Presentation, Forms, Drawing, and many templates)
Calendar and tasks (Note: You can make multiple calendars to share to different groups and individuals.)
YouTube and YouTube Channels for teachers
Google+ --including Hangouts(Talk/Chat included) Photos and more.
Google Classroom
Google Keep
Google Jamboard
Google Books
Google Earth
Google Photos
Google Maps