Classlink Transition
We are now using Classlink to roster students into online resources (Holt McDougal HRW, Think Central, McGraw Hill ConnectEd, etc).
On the Classlink sign-on page, simply click the "Sign in with Google" button and use your email and password. From there you will be able to click the App icon to take you to where you need to go.
Please note that rostering into a course can take up to 24 hours.
To save you sometime next time, under Staff or under Students you can click Classlink to be take directly to the Classlink sign-on page.
Please use this link to go to our school district's Classlink sign-on page:
Secure Document Delivery - Overview
Learn about our efforts to reduce paper reliance and be environmentally friendly with a new method of distributing official documents and information digitally!
Secure Document Delivery - Overview for Parents
Learn about our efforts to reduce paper reliance and be environmentally friendly with a new method of distributing official documents and information digitally!
Starting in the 2015-16 school year, School District 145 will be converting to a more paperless and environmentally friendly method of distributing official documents and information. We will utilize a "Secure Document Delivery" feature from our school notification service provider SchoolMessenger (sponsored by Horizon Bank).
In past years we sent home with students or mailed the following types of documents, which we will now be securely delivered to your email address:
Report Cards/Progress Reports
Attendance Notification Letters
Student Profile Forms
Lunch Account Login Information
PowerSchool Account Login Information
Parents have repeatedly asked for more digital information about their students and this is one of the ways we are working to improve communication with our information system. As our utilization of this system grows, we plan to send more types of information home in a digital format. It is also more efficient for our staff and will help save time, paper and mailing costs. Parents who do not have an email address on file will be sent paper copies of these items. Any parent who does have an email address on file but would like to receive paper copies can request the information by contacting their child’s school office.
Below is additional information regarding the service and what you can expect in order to receive information via this method. The only requirement for parents to receive Secure Document Delivery is valid email on file with the school and email access that has the ability to open PDF files (see below). If your email address changes during the school year, please make sure to contact us so we can update our records with your new email address.
Secure Document Delivery - What it Looks Like!
In order to view the documents downloaded from this service, you must have a PDF viewer. Adobe Acrobat is the most widely used PDF viewer and it is available for free on both Mac and PCs. Most mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) have PDF viewers built in already.
You will receive an email from an email address containing a short explanation of the document and a link to the document PDF. Be sure to check your spam or junk folders often, as some email providers will mark these messages as spam. Usually, clicking “not spam” will help your email provider know that you want these to not be marked as spam. The example below is a link to a document explaining how to create an account on our PowerSchool Parent Portal. The reason this document is being sent securely is because it contains the individual student codes needed to create a PowerSchool Parent Portal account.

Once you click the link within the email, a confirmation web page page will appear. The document should begin downloading shortly after. If it does not download, use the direct link on this confirmation page.