Triennial Student and Staff Wellness
A mission of School District 145 is to provide curriculum, instruction, and experiences in a health-promoting school environment to instill habits of lifelong learning and health.
This page is dedicated to the promotion and education of overall wellness of our students, staff and patrons of the District 145 - Waverly. The Board of Education has adopted Policy 5417 - School Wellness to help guide the district in the promotion curriculum, instruction and experiences in promoting a healthy school environment to instill positive lifelong learning and health.
District 145 - Waverly - Wellness Goals
District Wellness Committee
Wellness Policy Implementation, Monitoring, Accountability and Community Engagement
Physical Activity
Record Keeping
Annual Notification of Policy
Triennial Progress Assessments
Revision and Updating the Policy
Community Involvement, and Outreach
Healthy meals to children
Plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fat-free and low-fat milk.
moderate in sodium, low in saturated and zero trans fat per serving
Water Promotion
Nutrition promotion and education
Age-appropriate, sequential physical education curriculum consistent with national and state standards.
Required Health Education for elementary, middle and high school.
5417 - School Wellness Policy - Full Policy Available Here
7 CFR 210.31 (e) (2) Assessment

EAP will provide immediate, and confidential assistance for any work, health, or life concern.
Start by simply reaching out using one of the methods listed below. A Morneau Shepell counselor will listen and assist you with taking action toward finding a solution.
Call: 1.866.468.9461
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Many free services in a variety of areas including:
Professional Counseling (three free sessions)
Financial Support
Legal Support
Nutrition Support
Family Support

School District 145 Health and Wellness Contact:
Joslynne Stauss
Office: (402) 786-2765 x205