February Updates:
- Parent Teacher Conferences will take place via Zoom this semester on February 8th and February 10th. We will only be offering a Zoom option to keep everyone as safe as possible. (This was a district-wide decision). You will be receiving an email from your child's teacher next week with a link to sign up for a Zoom conference.
- PTE will be sharing a Sign-Up for Conference Meal Items for Staff soon
- We will be having a Scholastic Book Fair during conference week! While the materials will be in the library, students will be able to bring money or parents may add money virtually to an account directly on the Scholastic site and then students will be able to pick out books at school. There will be more information to follow.
- Valentine's Day Parties will be held on Thursday, February 10th. Students may bring non-edible items only to give for valentines. We will not be allowing visitors for parties.
We appreciate all you do to support our Eagle Vikings!