WOW...What an outstanding job by our freshmen band this morning. You all sounded amazing!!! ATTA WAY!

A phenomenal performance by our Waverly Encore members this afternoon at the district Music Contest!!

Baseball Update: We were able to secure umpires for a DH tomorrow out at Lawson Park Field #1. The JV and Reserve teams will play Elkhorn North. Both games will be 90 minutes or 5 innings. JV @ 4:30, Reserve @ 6:30.

Congratulations to our Myers Money winners from March and April! Jarrett, Grant, and Anton were awarded Myers Money for being safe, respectful, and responsible in their classes! Keep up the good work! 🎉

Girls Soccer WINS in a shootout over at Lincoln Lutheran this afternoon 2-1. Way to play with grit ladies!!

The Lincoln East Baseball Tournament is set for Friday and Saturday. See the brackets, times, and locations below. The activity Calendar has been updated.

The Waverly High School Economics and Business students represented well at the 2023 Nebraska EconChallenge...again! Placing 3rd and 5th at state. These students "out-econed" over 300 teams from around the state (around 200 students) to be able to compete at the Omaha Federal Reserve Building this past Thursday for an opportunity to represent Nebraska on the National level. So very, very close to winning it all. Well done!
3rd place: Rosalie Tvrdy, Malcolm Witte, and Dominic Delehoyde.
5th place: Tessa Paulsen, Marlee Persinger, Matt Olson, and Connor Beachler.

Girls Soccer with a clean sweep tonight at Plattsmouth!!!! Jv wins 4-2 and Varsity 6-0. Nice Work Ladies!!!

Last chance to purchase a yearbook for the 2022-2023 school year! Purchases can be made for $65 at www.yearbookforever.com. Thanks!

Brynley Prang, Jonathan Martin, Nathaniel Cloud, and Dominic Delahoyde earned their way into the State Personal Finance Challenge finals by finishing in the top 3 teams out of 226 teams that competed statewide last fall.
On Friday 4/14, they traveled to West Gate Bank to compete for the state title. Each team was given a hypothetical family scenario. They had two hours to create a presentation on their financial recommendations for the family and then present their financial plan to a panel of judges. Waverly took home 2nd place, which included a sweet trophy for the classroom and $100 in prize money for each student! So proud of these business students!!

Congratulations to our WHS Prom King Noah Knickerbocker and Queen Calli Robinson! Have a great and safe night!

Gearing up for prom! Coronation will be Facebook live-streamed at 10:00! Here we go!

The reserve baseball games in Omaha today have been cancelled due to wet field conditions. This date will not be rescheduled. The activity calendar has been updated.

If you are heading to Plattsmouth for Reserve Baseball:
Absolutely no sunflower seeds, gum, or tobacco in the facility. Please share this requirement with your coaches, players, and fans. Steel Cleats are not permitted on the baseball turf. Players need water bottle

Boys Soccer defeats Norris tonight 3-0 in EMC Tournament action.

A tough loss by the girls’ varsity soccer team tonight against Elkhorn, 0-6. Way to battle, Vikings!

Reserve Baseball Rescheduled: @ Blair, Monday, April 17th, game 1 starts at 4:30pm.
JV Baseball: Game vs. Bellevue East @ Lawson on Friday, April 14th starting at 4:30pm.

Baseball @ Crete on Tuesday, April 18th: JV @ 4:30 and will play 90 minutes or 5 innings. Varsity will play second and start at 6:30pm.

Congratulations to the following FBLA members who competed at the State Leadership Conference on April 3-5.

Congratulations to the boys golf team on their finish at the Ashland-Greenwood Invite yesterday. The team shot a 324 overall finishing 4th place. Royce placed 11th with a 77, Grey placed 12th with a 77, and Ethan finished with a 79 in 15th place.