Here are the results from today's reserve triangular. The Vikings go 2-0 on the day!
Waverly 4 Elkhorn 2
Norris 4 Elkhorn 2
Waverly 6 Norris 1

Congratulations to the Waverly Yearbook Staff for qualifying for the 2023 State Journalism contest in overall theme development! This team was lead by Jadyn Converse, Olivia Panipinto, Keegan Benson, Allison Pulford, Carleigh Bodfield and Eden Moore. Congratulations also to Austin Ockinga for qualifying for state in the area of headline writing, and Zoie Holbein for qualifying for state in TWO areas: infographic design and yearbook layout. The yearbook staff will compete in the state competition in Norfolk at the end of the month! Best of luck, Vikings!

Due to cold temperatures tomorrow morning, the reserve triangular will start at 12:00pm. at Lawson Field # 1.
12:00pm - Waverly vs. Elkhorn
To Follow - Norris vs. Elkhorn
To Follow - Waverly vs. Norris

Due to facility scheduling, the reserve baseball DH on April 24th has been moved to be played in Columbus at Pawnee Park.

Due to wet field conditions, the reserve baseball DH scheduled for today at Blair will be postponed.

Results from the Gretna Boys Golf Invite @ Tiburon:
Royce with an 81 for 14th
Grey with a 78 for 7th
The team finished 4th overall with a 338.
Nice Job Fellas!!!

Boys Varsity Soccer ended with a win today over Beatrice, 3-0. Kemper Reed (2) and Carson Brentlinger had great goals! Love the fight, Vikings!

A final from Viking Stadium, your Lady Vikes defeated the Lady O in Class B soccer action this evening 7-1. The girls will be back in action on Thursday at Lincoln Northwest; varsity game only starting at 6:00pm.

Waverly Global Voices students did an AWESOME job representing critical issues to the future of the US. We spoke to Governor Pillen, Rep Adrian Smith, and our state senator Beau Ballard. Way to go, Vikings!

Juniors and Seniors had the opportunity to learn about the apprenticeship pathway to becoming a journeyman electrician and see what earning while learning would look like at the IBEW in Lincoln this past Friday.

Due to field availability, the reserve DH @ Plattsmouth has been changed from April 4th to April 14th. Same times and location.

Due to the snowfall over the weekend, the Mt. Michael baseball field is not playable. The reserve DH scheduled for today has been postponed. We will let you know when we find a rescheduled date.

JV Soccer @ Crete Information:
Schedule: 5:00pm: Boys JV – Iris St. Field; parking is located south of the softball field. Limited seating, and no concessions. Restrooms are available behind the softball field outfield. Bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on.

Girls Varsity Soccer ended with a decisive win today over Columbus Lakeview, 9-0. Isabel Cardinas, Olivia Hind (4), Finley Kiem, Lea Jensen, Ashley Warner, and Alexis Adams had great goals! Love the teamwork, Vikings!

Boys Varsity Soccer ended with an awesome win today over Columbus Lakeview, 11-1. Kemper Reed (2), Jonny Martin (5), Cody Johnson, Carson Brentlinger (2), and Ian Morehead had great goals! Way to work, Vikings!

Pius X Baseball Tournament action: Kearney downs the Vikings 6-1 and Pius pulls away late to take the second game 5-2. We will wait to see who we match up with tomorrow.

⚽️Vikings win!!! Great job guys.
Waverly 1, EN 0 ⚽️

Girls Varsity Soccer ended with a tough loss tonight against Elkhorn North, 2-4. Olivia Hind and Alexis Adams had great goals! Way to battle, Vikings!

Goaaaalllll! Waverly is up 1-0! Let's go boys!

Your score at half time of the boys soccer game is 0-0.