Welcome to School District - 145, where our mission is to, “Inspire students to seek excellence in their lives.” At Waverly Intermediate School, we accomplish that mission through our simple, yet profound vision, “We care. We learn. We grow.” Our vision exemplifies the importance of building strong relationships as the foundation of our school and community. We value relationships with our students, staff, parents, and community members. Our vision also captures the importance of continually learning and growing together, not only academically, but socially and emotionally as well. This vision encapsulates what our students and adults strive for. At WIS, we believe that all students can and will learn, with the ultimate goal of becoming independent and responsible citizens, that will have a positive impact in their communities.
My name is Craig Patzel and I am starting my 16th year as the principal of WIS. I have 19 years of experience as a building principal and have been in education for 25 years. I am blessed to work with an amazing staff and in a supportive community. Our staff strives to achieve the vision explained above and create a meaningful school experience for every child.
To stay up to date with things happening in the district and our building, please be sure to visit our district webpage and our WIS Facebook page. Important information will be communicated to you via email. Please make sure your contact information is current and notify the office of any changes.
If you would like more information about Waverly Intermediate School, please contact us at 402-786-5340.

School Phone Number: 402.786.5340
Regular Start Time: 8:30 AM
Regular Dismissal: 3:30 PM
Late Start (2 hr delay): 10:30 AM